23 Jan

     Recently, I went in for my annual checkup which included the regular lab workup. What I discovered surprised me. 

     Over the course of one year I was able to bring down my somewhat high cholesterol to a normal range. While this may not be surprising to some, I didn't realize the little lifestyle changes I had decided to make would have such a quick and obvious impact.

     Following last years appointment, I had decided I was going to change my mindset and relationship with food. I also implemented the following changes. I cut back on some well known foods that can cause high cholesterol such as eggs. I also switched to almond or oat milk for things like creamer. Furthermore, I decided to cut out as much dairy as possible to help my digestive system, and not eat dairy at dinner time. I also cut out many processed sugars and foods. Personally, two of the most effective changes I think I made were to not eat past 7 pm, and be very aware of what I was eating for dinner-as in no fried foods, no dairy, nothing processed, etc.

     The mindset and relationship change came with some self reflection as well as understanding what I wanted to accomplish. I realized that when I would eat emotionally I would not eat great foods, AND I would feel physically unwell later, AND I would feel guilt for eating emotionally. This caused a loop, of sorts, where I would feel badly about myself because I ate poorly, and I would then eat poorly, again, because I was emotionally eating.

     I finally reached the point where I realized a few things: 

  1. It's okay to eat unhealthy, less good for you foods
  2. I do not have to feel guilty or bad about myself when I do.
  3. When we label food as good and bad it creates can create a mindset of ourselves being good or bad-and that isn't accurate at all.
  4. If I choose to eat in an unhealthy way when I want to, knowing it is unhealthy, and not feel guilty for it.
  5. I committed to the above changes while also giving myself grace and permission to fail. 

I realized that if I choose to eat unhealthy, it is just that. I choice I am making because I want to, because I enjoy it, and I understand what the later effects may be. I realized that when I choose to eat out of emotion, that that was what was creating the loop. I was eating to calm or sooth my inner self. Instead of soothing my inner self first then deciding to eat-or not eat. My mindset was no longer slave to my inner, emotion filled self.

     I took back my power, and it literally made me healthier.

I'm 41 with 5 kids, and I feel so much better, mentally, emotionally, and physically. It is pretty interesting to me how, when you change your mindset, are committed, and can allow yourself grace and forgiveness, that your physical health will often times follow-whether you intend it to or not.


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