01 Feb

Motivation. Are you frustrated with your kids lack of motivation?

What you do think your kid/s motivations should be? Are you projecting your own, adult motivations, onto them? Do they feel the pressure to meet with your expectations of your motivations?

Do you know what actually motivates your children? 
Have you asked? Have you sat down and had a real, open conversation with them? Not a lecture? 
Sometimes, as adults and parents, when think our kids should have adult motivations and expectations. They should be motivated to turn in their homework. They should be motivated to start and complete a project. They should be motivated to get up at a decent time on the weekends. They should be motivated to be active. And so on and so forth.


Do any of those, or the ones your thinking of, really make sense for a kindergartner? A 5th grader? A middle schooler or high schooler? 

That's for you to decide; however, I wouldn't decide without having a real conversation with you kids first. Really listen to them. Believe their experiences. Don't try to counter them. In fact, try reflective or active listening.

You may be very surprised with the results.

If you want to learn more about reflective or active listening reach to me!

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